Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Holy streamers!!

yesterday was epic... for the number of fish moved. I sucked big time and missed alot of takes. But the number of fish moved off the banks was just stupid. If I told you the numbers you wouldn't believe me. We even found a few rising fish and got them to eat! If there were more bugs I'm sure we would've saw more rising fish.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

we found em

here is just one picture from yesterday

Friday, June 19, 2009

Streamer Time...Again

Well the recent wet weather has left the reservoir spilling, so the release pan calls for 1500cfs until the spill stop. In the mean time fish have been very willing to eat streamers, as well as some fish eating off the surface. Yesterday we moved a bunch and boated 3, in addition to some to some dry fly action. Today the weather looks great again, so it is to the upper west branch to try to pull a slob off the bank. I am having some trouble uploading pictures, so once i get that figured out i will post a bunch of shots.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Picture Time

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Weather has been less than favorable. We need something to change to hopefully get the fishing back to awesome. Blind casting iso's has produce some fish, but overall The fishing has been less than stellar. The one exception being the late evening sulphurs have been coming off in HUGE numbers and the fish are eating them, but all of this is happening is with very little day light left. Any day now the upper west branch sulphur fishing will kick in and fishing will be back to awesome.

I have some more picture to add this week. Bob finally came through for me. keep an eye out for them.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Fishing has been very good recently. With both dries and streamers...

Tuesday and Wednesday of last week we hammered on them. Bob and I had two great days in a row with fish coming on drakes, march browns, sulphurs, and spinners. We boated a bunch of really good fish. I am waiting on Bob to get me our pictures. some great shots to come.

Thursday and Friday I fished with Cal, Friday the water was up and we found some fish, but the rain brought the river up so it was a little tougher. Cal ended up getting two fish. A nice rainbow and a great big brown. Bob also has the picture of that brown. He happened to be right next to us with his clients, so he snapped a few shots for us.

Thursday night the rains came and brought the river up even more. Woke up to 1000+ cfs and off color water. Perfect Streamer conditions! And boy did we get them! I will let the pictures speak for themselves....

Saturday and Sunday I had the pleasure to guide George and Shane. The rains continued and the river was up even more. The conditions were not the best for dry flies, we moved some on streamers but ran into some bad luck. George had a few small ones on dries at the end of the day and missed a few other good ones. Sunday Shane missed a couple but we called it a day early so everyone could get on the road, and be home in time.

Monday i fished with Larry and we did a short evening float and as soon as the boat was in the water we found heads. A great night of dry fly fishing. Took fish on spinners sulphurs and drakes. Only snapped one shot of Larry's fish

Taking a couple days off and will be back on the water Thursday-Saturday. I will have a new report then. Hopefully Bob comes through and gets me his pictures.